A Southeast Michigan 501(c)(3) Non-profit organization
Peake Recovery
Program Rules & Regulations
Our Program
We are a 12 Step based Recovery Housing Program. We heavily suggest you get a sponsor. We require the name and phone number of your sponsor for accountability. We, of course, allow clients to choose their own path of recovery. As long as it does not conflict with our in house meeting or undermine our program.
Kristin carries the phone at all times, her phone number is (586) 838-9756. Texting is the main form of communication.
You must be active in recovery during the day. Looking for work, going to meetings, appointments, volunteering. Daily Planning Sheets are to be turned into House Monitor every night by 10 P.M.
Kristen will send a Daily Meditation reading every morning, you are required to respond via text by 10 AM.
Let Tony & Kristin, House Manager/House Monitor know your schedule for the next day; work, meetings, apts with times. Apts may be requested for verification. All house meetings are required unless you have left the property for work only.
Not Employed or Employed 30 hours or less meeting requirements are: meeting everyday in addition to the Thursday House Meeting and meditation readings.
Employed 31+ hours meeting requirements are 3 outside meetings in addition to the Thursday House Meeting. Make sure you introduce yourself to the chairperson of the meeting so they may remember you when we do meeting attendance verification's.
Meeting sheets are due by 10 P.M. Sunday via picture in the group text.
Our Curfew Policy:
1-90 Days Sunday thru Saturday 10 P.M.
90-180 Days Sunday thru Thursday 10 P.M. Friday and Saturday 11 P.M.
180-365 Days Sunday thru Saturday 11 P.M.
365+ Days Sunday thru Thursday 11 P.M. Friday and Saturday 12 A.M.
Client Infraction Tickets can prevent a client from progressing to the next level of the policy. If a client relapses and returns to one of our houses, their curfew allowance time resets.
House Rules
Only 1 bin of personal belongings/clothes allowed. No furniture, no knick knacks, pictures, tv’s/dvd players, radios or personal computers (laptops only) are allowed in the home or on the property for storage. No mouthwash/rinse or cough syrup containing alcohol ingredient. No spray tan on property. Hair color is discussed on an individual basis. No weapons (Guns, knives, martial arts, etc.) are allowed.
No visitors policy. Peake Recovery clients cannot go visit to another Peake Recovery house, unless approved by Tony & Kristen Peake. All outside visitors and family must be approved by Tony & Kristen Peake.
No physical violence/threats of violence, towards any person or the house of any kind, theft or destruction. Client will be terminated from the program immediately.
There is a probationary period of 30 days with no overnights, after 30 days overnights are at the discretion of Tony and Kristin. Overnight requests have to be 48 hours in advance.
There are designated smoking areas for every house. All gates and doors to the property are to be kept closed at all times, including the garage. Recycle & garbage bins needs to stay in their appropriate location.
Residents are responsible for keeping the house clean, assigned chores and bedrooms, inside and outside; including seasonal; snow shoveling, lawn cutting, weed pulling, spring/fall clean up.
Peake Recovery will supply; kitchen garbage bags, toilet paper and some cleaning supplies at the first of every month, if house runs out, it is up to the house to provide until the first of the next month.
Appropriate language usage is expected, appropriate clothing to be worn at all times.
No food and/or beverages; including beverage makers and no storage of food in the bedrooms.
Our Curfew Policy:
1-90 Days Sunday thru Saturday 10 P.M.
90-180 Days Sunday thru Thursday 10 P.M. Friday and Saturday 11 P.M.
180-365 Days Sunday thru Saturday 11 P.M.
365+ Days Sunday thru Thursday 11 P.M. Friday and Saturday 12 A.M.
Any type of non-regular laundry is not permitted to be used in the washer and dryer; machine shop clothing, dirty, oily.....if you are unsure, ask the house manager/monitor.
No shoes/work boots are to be worn in the house. They are to be taken off at the door.
Showers are a maximum at 10 minutes. Nothing is to be flushed in the toilet except for toilet paper.
One vehicle per resident is allowed. If it’s found that a client has more than One, if not removed upon request, it will be towed at the residents expense. Copy of current registration, current insurance and copy of current drivers license is required to have a vehicle on the property. If vehicle is not legal, cannot be on the property.
Program fee payments are due every Friday, you pay for the next week. There is a 3% surcharge for any credit card transactions.
If you need documentation written; residency letter, program progress, etc. there is a 72 business hour window to get that done.
We ask if anything inappropriate is going on in the house, to let us know. Everything is confidential and names will not be used. We strive to keep the house a safe environment.
Devices: no speaker phone and keep talking to a respectable level. Earbuds are to be used if watching a show on your phone or listening to music.
No vaping or e-cigs of any kind allowed to be smoked inside the house.
NO changes to the rooms or house; décor, no décor is to be brought in the home. Hanging items on the walls is not permitted. Nothing of any sort is to be added.
After MCOSA funding ends, you will be moved to our self pay house.
If you are MCOSA funded and relapse, you are responsible for paying for the 3 days you are out of the house; $55. We cannot hold your bed past 3 days if you are out of the house.
Medication and Drug Use
We DO NOT allow narcotic or benzodiazepines medications. MAT Program medications; Suboxone, Gabapentin, and other medications such as Trazadone and Serequel will be locked up and dispensed to you once a week. If suspicion of medication mis-use, client will be responsible for going to a third party testing facility at the cost of the client; $10 for the test, $40 for the outside testing. Total is $50.
No alcohol or drug use or possession, there are random drug testings. There is a $10 fee for the drug tests, payable at time of testing, if the client drops dirty. We test for kratom and ETG testing that shows 80 hours of alcohol usage, those are $5 each. Any tampering with sample is an automatic termination from the program. House monitors do drop clients.
Relapse, Dismissal, and Exit
When you leave the program, if there is any money due to you, a check will be written and sent to the emergency contact you provide and is verified on your application.
After leaving the program, any items left become property of Peake Recovery to dispose of. We are not responsible for any lost or stolen items, during your stay or after you leave. Any medications left are taken to the local police department for disposal.
In the Event of a Relapse
Resident will need to leave the house immediately and not return for 3 days and upon testing clean, daily fees will still be charged to hold his/her spot in the program; MCOSA and non MCOSA.
If the client relapses on Heroine or crack or cocaine, the client will need to go to a full detox and a full rehab to be considered to come back to our program.
If we see there is a continual pattern of relapse, the resident will be asked to leave immediately.